We provide parsed WHOIS database of newly registered domains as daily downloads. Each day you will receive newly registered domains with whois informations. Each whois record will contain all parsed fields of the domain's WHOIS information along with it's contact details of the domain owner, whenever available. You also get instant access to database of previous 10 days when you subscribe.

Over Millions of domains are registered every month, and with our service you can get vast amounts of data updated daily! Subscribe today for just $199/month. For testing purpose, you may download any of the following whois database of newly registered domains for FREE. We also provides Cleaned Whois Database of 8 Countries (Australia, Canada, France, India, South Africa, UAE, UK & US) on daily basis updated in 09.00 AM IST.

Newly Registered Domains Free Download

Newly Registered Domains List Count Creation Date Download Now
Newly Registered Domains of 2025-03-09 (No Whois Database) 70000 2025-03-10
Newly Registered Domains of 2025-03-08 (No Whois Database) 70000 2025-03-09
Newly Registered Domains of 2025-03-07 (No Whois Database) 70000 2025-03-08
Newly Registered Domains of 2025-03-06 (No Whois Database) 70000 2025-03-07
Domain Packages - Daily Updates
Newly registered domains (Only Domains) - Daily Updates $30.00/Month Download Sample
Deleted Domains (Only Domains) - Daily Updates $30.00/Month Download Sample
Newly registered domains + E-mails - Daily Updates $40.00/Month Download Sample
Newly registered domains + country & IP - Daily Updates $40.00/Month Download Sample
Newly registered domains with DNS TXT Records - Daily Updates $40.00/Month Download Sample
Popular Whois Database Packages
Global Newly Registered Domains $249.00/Month
US Newly Registered Domains $49.00/Month
Canada Newly Registered Domains $39.00/Month
Multi Country Packages
US & UK Newly Registered Domain Updates $79.00/Month
US & Canada Newly Registered Domain Updates $79.00/Month
US & UAE Newly Registered Domain Updates $79.00/Month

For more pricing & packages visit Pricing

We also publish daily list of newly registered domains in to our website, you can browse the same as per your requirement. Our top-level zone lists are all checked, cleaned up and contain unique domains only. To know more about how many domains we have till date visit TLD Domain Lists. All lists are text files compressed with zip. We add new TLDs/gTLDs zones daily. We also provide the lists of ccTLD Domain Lists.

Domains registered in February-2025

Date Domains
01-02-2025 257561
02-02-2025 244233
03-02-2025 192928
04-02-2025 165105
05-02-2025 271001
06-02-2025 283674
07-02-2025 307423
08-02-2025 288270
09-02-2025 283656
Date Domains
10-02-2025 224548
11-02-2025 162579
12-02-2025 352945
13-02-2025 304694
14-02-2025 293165
15-02-2025 328331
16-02-2025 278508
17-02-2025 205829
18-02-2025 190487
Date Domains
19-02-2025 281478
20-02-2025 303970
21-02-2025 327793
22-02-2025 561513
23-02-2025 27207
24-02-2025 366790
25-02-2025 282582
26-02-2025 300211
27-02-2025 271934
28-02-2025 261830

General Whois Database

Newly Registered Domains General

Cleaned Whois Database

Newly Registered Domains Cleaned

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get daily database of newly registered ccTLD domains?

Most of the ccTLD registrars do not publish the list of newly registered domain names. So we are unable to provide you a daily database of newly registered ccTLD domains.

In which format will I receive the download file?

You will get ZIP files containing all the WHOIS records in CSV format.

What is Cleaned Whois Database?

In cleaned database we delete privacy protected domains, duplicate telephone numbers / emails & incorrect numbers (numbers less than actual digits of particular country) etc.

Is the database updated daily?

Each day you will receive newly registered domains with whois informations. Each whois record will contain all parsed fields of the domain's WHOIS information along with it's contact details of the domain owner.

How many day's whois database will I get to download?

You will be able to download daily whois database of previous 10 days. In total, you will get access to the whois data of all the domain names that were registered in last 10 days with upcoming 30 days database updated daily. Each day's database is separated into a single ZIP file.

Which countries you provides cleaned database?

We provides cleaned whois database for Australia, Canada, France, India, South Africa, UAE, UK & US

Can you offer custom whois database?

We offers custom whois database as per your requirement, our custom database pricing starts from $99.

What are the data fields in whois database?

Domain Name, Registrar Name, Contact Email, NameServers, Created Date, Updated Date, Expires Date, Registrant Name, Email, Organization, Address, City, State, PostalCode, Country, Fax, Telephone. Also contact & admin informations as well.

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