Get WHOIS DATABASE of over 522 Million Domains.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get daily database of newly registered ccTLD domains?
Most of the ccTLD registrars do not publish the list of newly registered domain names. So we are unable to provide you a daily database of newly registered ccTLD domains.
In which format will I receive the download file?
You will get ZIP files containing all the WHOIS records in CSV format.
What is Cleaned Whois Database?
In cleaned database we delete privacy protected domains, duplicate telephone numbers / emails & incorrect numbers (numbers less than actual digits of particular country) etc.
Is the database updated daily?
Each day you will receive newly registered domains with whois informations. Each whois record will contain all parsed fields of the domain's WHOIS information along with it's contact details of the domain owner.
How many day's whois database will I get to download?
You will be able to download daily whois database of previous 10 days. In total, you will get access to the whois data of all the domain names that were registered in last 10 days with upcoming 30 days database updated daily. Each day's database is separated into a single ZIP file.
Which countries you provides cleaned database?
We provides cleaned whois database for Australia, Canada, France, India, South Africa, UAE, UK & US
Can you offer custom whois database?
We offers custom whois database as per your requirement, our custom database pricing starts from $99.
What are the data fields in whois database?
Domain Name, Registrar Name, Contact Email, NameServers, Created Date, Updated Date, Expires Date, Registrant Name, Email, Organization, Address, City, State, PostalCode, Country, Fax, Telephone. Also contact & admin informations as well.